Mostly unrelated opening picture for flair purposes

This is (not) a Test

Everything has a beginning, middle, and an end...hopefully this is just the beginning!

This site is a long time coming, and frankly should have been created years ago when I first got into coding for fun. You'd think that taking computer science course all throughout high school and even majoring in CS would have prompted me to make a website to not only test out my skills, but also showcase my (amateurish) work. Everyone should have a place to show off what they can do, and while having a GitHub account (or whatever you use for your creative hobby) is probably sufficient, it's nice having a personalized place to house your works. Even if you cannot code and make a site like this one, plenty of tools exist for you to do it yourself!

Through any following musings I'll either share how I came to this point in my life (for those who want to learn from my mistake or like reading other people's 'journals') or talk about my foray into improving my coding skills. Feel free to join me for the ride or just check out whatever other stuff I feel like adding to this site. Please, stay a while and listen.

(Image Note: Not my actual workstation...but it looks nice doesn't it?)

Published by

Dan Gaylord
Dan Gaylord on 10/01/2021

Filed under 💭General Thoughts