A sampling of personal and professional works
Mostly done in my free time, when there's time.
(Click to go to each project's respective GitHub repository)
A way that I can combine any little apps I make into one location to play with and explore.
Language(s): HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python
Libraries/Tools: ReactJS, MatterJS, Material UI
Next Step(s): Trying to get Godot games to work in a React component.
A program that algorithmicly solves Sudoku puzzles of various types using known solving techniques. The GUI for this app is being created for the Game Toybox.
Language(s): Python
Next Step(s): Improve algorithm
Ported an older version of the CS4All Blueprint website (not created by me) to GatsbyJS with a headless WordPress for faster load times and easier upkeep.
Language(s): HTML, CSS, Javascript
Libraries/Tools: GatsbyJS, React, Headless WordPress
Next Step(s): Improving responsiveness, modularize code
My personal portfolio page using GatsbyJS and Sanity. This site that you are viewing right now!
Libraries/Tools: GatsbyJS, React, Sanity
Next Step(s): Improvements and tests, modals for projects