Mostly unrelated opening picture for flair purposes

Time to Reflect and Regroup

My original plan when creating this website and 'blog' was to use it to gain experience with Gatsby and Sanity. I think, overall, it's been a success. The site still needs some work, but it's been fun to make.

The blog on the other hand didn't entirely go as planned. While the initial purpose was to play with Sanity to create a blog with Authors and Categories, it has gotten away from me. I wanted to make a blog entry every week, but as you may be able to tell, that didn't exactly go as planned. I was good for a while, but life and holidays got in the way. In addition, I figured I should do something I'm not entirely entertained by if it gets in the way of my other projects and hobbies.

Writing hasn't typically been something I enjoy, but I'm also not entirely bad at, so writing a blog was something that I hoped could give me a space to share my thoughts and ideas. That being said, it has been hard to come up topics every week and sometimes felt like I was doing it because my internal self said I had to more than because I wanted to. I might still write blog entries every now and then about things and stuff, but not with any regular schedule.

Just like my gacha games article, I have a lot of hobbies and little time, so I have to be very particular about what I spend time doing and if I'm not enjoying what I do, why do it?

Published by

Dan Gaylord
Dan Gaylord on 12/30/2021

Filed under 💭General Thoughts